Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Inversion of Control

One of the things I have been trying to learn for a while is inversion of control (IOC) and dependency injection (DI). I tried to playing with and I just couldn't get it to work. The other day I downloaded Castle project and played with Castle Windsor, and found it rather easy to use, or at least it has better examples.

I have now started working on a project using IOC and DI to create the base framework for my personal development.

The first step I'm working on is the Data Access Layer and data objects. I'm building a generic data request object that I can use to request data from MySQL, Oracle, Sql Server, XML file, or a web service and using IOC I can change the data source by simply changing a config file, and the rest of the application will never know.

when I'm a little further along I'll post the some of the code. All of this on my way to learning how to create better, more testable code, working my way to doing agile Test Driven Development.

Who am i and how did I get here?

Seeing that this is my first entry, let's get some things set strait or crooked, depending on your point of view. I finally decided to start writing a blog to rant and rave or babel aimlessly about what interesting things I might be doing right now; this could be anything from new things Ive learned about software development to my plans to topple world governments and set up puppet governments I can control from the shadows, it all depends on what I feel like doing today.