This got me thinking about some of the simple fundamentals and basic language features that I don't remember exactly how to use, mostly because I never use them. A good example would be the Conditional Operator
1: string fileName = tempFileName != null ? tempFileName : "Untitled";
I think this could be beneficial in a couple of ways, primarily it would require me to look for things I'm not using and force me to think about how to use them. Second it would make me think why I don't use them. A prime example is an abstract classes, I know how to use them I just don't like to. Maybe if I forced myself to use them on occasion I would find a place where they are better suited then an interface or I'm just going to prove why I like interfaces better, but the important part is that I reaffirm why I like interfaces more then abstract classes.
At times I think the hardest part of learning new things is not forgetting what I already know, maybe I need to take some time to write some practice code or proof of concepts just for the practice.
Technorati Tags: c# Fundamentals,Software Developemnt