First we take this partial view
1: @using SampleApplication.Models
2: @model PartialModel
4: <div>
5: @Model.Text
6: </div>
7: <input type="button" value="click me" onclick="UpdateView();return false;"/>
1: <div id="UpdateableContent">
2: @{ Html.RenderPartial("Partial",new PartialModel{Text = "Before Clicked"}); }
3: </div>
1: public ActionResult UpdatePartial()
2: {
3: var model = new PartialModel() {Text = "was updated"};
4: return View("Partial", model);
5: }
Last we have the Javascript that makes the Ajax call
1: function UpdateView() {
2: var model = { };
3: $.post("/home/UpdatePartial",
4: model,
5: function (data) {
6: $("#UpdateableContent").html(data);
7: });
8: }
As always here is the source code for a sample project using it